Please scroll down to see a list of stall holders. If you are interested in having a stand, please Get in touch
Yarlington House, Yarlington, Somerset, BA9 8DY
Specialist Plant Fair set in the park of Yarlington House, a Georgian Manor House, by kind invitation of Count and Countess Charles de Salis. This will be a great day out for any plant lover, be it a novice gardener with a new garden to fill or a plantaholic looking for more treasures.
Among the 30 stalls, you will find organic vegetable plants and colourful summer bedding, plus plants for cut flowers, wildlife and shady areas – plants for every nook and corner of your garden! All fantastic quality, great value for money and expert advice if you need it.
The entrance ticket includes admission to the extensive gardens, not normally open to the public. Explore and you will find a rose garden with pleached limes and lily pond and a wisteria arbour. There is the sunken Italian garden, golden laburnum walk, a productive vegetable garden and a woodland dell with original Victorian winding paths, cleverly fashioned into the manner of an amphitheatre. Perfect for inspiration for your own garden! Many of the plants will be on sale in the plant fair – including a stand with plants grown and propagated by Yarlingtons head gardener,
The plant stands and refreshments (tea, coffee and cake) will be in the spacious park
2023 Stands listed below
Crawford Hardy Ferns, Dorset Home and Garden Services (wooden structures), Elworthy Cottage, European Garden Breaks, Gardeners Delight Nursery, Glenholme Herbs, Growers Organic Veg, GT Plants, Hilltop Garden, In Clover, Jurassic Plants, Leesa’s not Just Alpines, Long Acre, Magna Metal Craft, Malvern Salvia Collection, Mike’s Hostas, Millwood Plants, NW Plants, Organic Bulbs, Peake Perennials, Piccolo Succulents, Plants Galore, Roseland House Climbers, Shady Plants, Somerset Gardens Trust, Special Plants, Springmeadow Nursery, The Blooming Wild Nursery, The Gardeners Blacksmith, Triffids Nursery, Wild Thyme, Yarlington House Plants
Dogs on leads welcome.
13th may 2023 | 10am – 4pm
Admission: £5.00 (under 16’s free)
Entrance beneficiary charity – Yarlington church and village hall.